Thursday, December 24, 2020

I Told You So


The 1992 Presidential Inauguration featured a unprecedented 300 voice choir from Ebenezer AME Church, Ft. Washington, MD.  The choir director, Gospel recording artist Reverend Dr. Donald Vails, envisioned 144,000 voices singing one song in perfect harmony.  In the 1492 days before the year 2000, #ProjectVictoryAmerica was  a vision of the future.

By Eric Stradford, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired and Stephanie A. Walker Stradford

AMWS December 25, 2020 #GeorgiaOnMyMind – Georgia voters, 79% of whom share a global value with some 2.4 billion Christians, are at the center of a contentious runoff election for the last two U.S. Senate seats.  

“Good people” are on both sides of a uniquely balanced electorate.  From the right, a red Georgia win means maintaining #EconomicSecurity for a few.  From the left, a blue Georgia win means obtaining #EconomicSecurity for all.

With all the negative rhetoric spewed digitally, it’s been almost impossible to see the win-win in Georgia as a model PURPLE STATE.  It took one blind man with #GeorgiaOnMyMind to see neither RED nor BLUE, but PURPLE.  The vision, which always seems to tarry, will surely come—perhaps from Georgia, perhaps on January 5, 2021.

TODAY, 79% of Georgia voters can find hope in #JesusIsTheReasonForTheSeason. We need an evidence-based vision of #GeorgiaOnMyMind.  In a nutshell, it needs to be shared within the context of inclusive #EconomicSecurity. 

Our sponsors suggested talking points with multimedia aides to augment fact checking.

Christmas Story 1 A.D., the first Christmas emerged from a vision of the future. In 2014, faith leaders heard the story from an inclusive point of view.  A sermon this week, “I told you so,” presents a Christmas-past vision of the future.  Ironically, both timeless messages came out of Ebenezer.

Christmas Story 1960 A.D, a young politician shared a vision of the future – “A rising tide lifts all the boats.  John F. Kennedy saw, “if we are moving ahead in agriculture, if we are moving ahead in industry, if we have an administration that looks ahead, then the country prospers.  But if one section of the country is strangled, if one section of the country is standing still, then sooner or later a dropping tide drops all the boats, whether the boats are in Boston or whether they are in this community.

Christmas Story 1995-1999 A.D. #ProjectVictoryAmerica, evolved from within a 300-voice choir at Ebenezer AME Church, Ft. Washington, MD.  From a Revelation 14:3 Bible Study, the vision for a bigger choir in a bigger choir stand inspired federal grant development to benefit future generations.  The song, “We can sing in harmony” offered inclusivity for young Americans graduating from high school in the year 2000.    Depending on your faith,  Revelation 14:3 envisions  a 144,000 voice choir.  As young believers embraced the motto, “ I believe I can achieve whatever I believe I can achieve,” their written goals evolved from impossible dreams to endless possibilities.

Christmas Story 2016-2019 A.D. #WeThePeople at-risk.  Kwanzaa Court presented Afrocentric value in a vision of Justice for All.

Christmas Story 2021 A.D. #ProjectVictoryAmerica celebrates the dawning of a new era in governing.  It introduces #GeorgiaOnMyMind as an inclusive outcome for RED and BLUE politics.  The color PURPLE reflects a vision of the future where, #GeorgiaOnMyMind, “A rising tide lifts all the boats.”

Christmas Story 2030 A.D.  #ProjectVictoryAmerica celebrates a new generation of Americans reconnected to its historic values. In today’s vision of the future,  #NoPoverty2030 emerges from a 21st century conversation to a 21st century sustainable reality.

Friday, December 11, 2020

#GeorgiaOnMyMind - A Christmas Carol

#ProjectVictoryAmerica choir - 144,000 voices, 1 song.  Rehearsals now through January 1 via social media. “This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders. No one could learn this song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.” Rev 14:3

 By Stephanie Walker Stradford and Eric Stradford, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired

AMWS December 12, 2020, Atlanta – All across America, voters (on both sides), are anxiously anticipating an historic outcome for the 2020 elections. December 14th is the first day for early voting in the Georgia Senate runoff.  This special election seats the last two and the majority of 100 U.S. Senators.   50 to 50 is the Senate’s new bipartisan reality, with Kamala Harris, the President of the Senate, holding the tie-breaking vote. 

Nearly 4 million Georgians voted early for the November general election, breaking the state’s early voting record, and electing its first Democrat for president since 1992.   By election day, 51% of all Georgians registered had voted.

Since election day, the COVID-19 death toll has continued to claim American lives. With a possible treatment just getting started, most everyone’s hope for this Christmas is less.  About 79% of adults in Georgia relate Christmas to the birth of Jesus the Christ. 

Which brings us to Georgia’s role in Healing The Soul of America.  A plan is already unfolding to demonstrate the aspiration, “One nation under God.”  On the way to January 5, Georgia needs to feel ya America.  The clear choice for Georgia’s future is allegorically embedded in its constitutionally ordained values.

For all purposes, the Jan 5, 2021 Georgia Senate runoff election could be determined by Christmas Day. A little appreciation from #WeThePeople goes a long way in the Peach State.   #NoPoverty2030 is the YouthUSA wish for Christmas.  That means starting now on a 10-year global effort to end poverty.

We’ll want to include Christian leaders on both sides, for a Kairos timeline between our Christmas Carol and a Pre-Palm Sunday report about a preacher and a rich incumbent.  We’re using political pseudonyms to facilitate bipartisan inclusion.

Radical, Raphael” entered Jericho and made his way through the town.  There was an incumbent there called “KellyisforKelly.” She was the chief tax collector in the region, and he had become very rich. The incumbent tried to get a look at the preacher, but was too short to see over the crowd. So she ran ahead and climbed a peach tree beside the road, for the preacher was going to pass that way.

When the preacher came by, he looked up at the incumbent and called her by name. “Kelly!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.”

The incumbent quickly climbed down and took the preacher to her house in great excitement and joy. But the people were displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled.

Meanwhile, the incumbent stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!”

The preacher responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this incumbent has shown herself to be a true advocate for #GeorgiaOnMyMind.

Georgia needs to feel ya America .Revelation 14:1-3

CAN YOU SEE IT?  144,000 voices, from all across America, connected singing one song, in perfect harmony, dedicated to family members lost in COVID-19.

Georgia, Oh Georgia

The whole day through

This old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind

Oh Georgia, Oh Georgia

And it’s sung for all of you

Comes in sweet and clear

as moonlight through the pines

Other arms reach out to me

Other eyes smile tenderly

Still in peaceful dreams I see

Oh, the road leads back to you,

Oh Oh

Georgia, yeah, Oh Georgia

No peace I find

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind

Other arms reach out to me

And other eyes smile tenderly

Still in peaceful dreams I see

The road leads back to you,

oh, oh

Georgia, Georgia


No peace I find

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind