Monday, November 3, 2014

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

MBK Organizers to invest in “servant” leadership

By Stephanie and Eric Stradford

AMWS -- Philadelphia, PA, November 3, 2014 – Community investors for President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Challenge are in Philadelphia this week. They are looking for opportunities to invest in youth -- and, they’ve started their search among remnant beneficiaries of the historic Free African Society. This year, the President of the United States has challenged American communities to “ensure all youth remain safe from violent crime” as one of six focus areas for My Brother’s Keeper communities.

Historically, The Free African Society has existed in the United States in various forms since 18th Century Colonial America. Organizers for a Historic Black Church commemorative event have embraced this focus area as a foundation for positive youth development. On Saturday, November 15, 2014, Youth Achievers USA Institute, a national 501c3 public charity will co-sponsor a Youth Leadership Forum for youth and caring adults commonly committed to “carrying out the spirit of the original Free African Society.” A $500 community organizing grant will be awarded to youth leaders who are ready, willing and able to be “My Brother’s Keeper.”

The Youth Leadership Forum identifies local and national efforts aimed at ENSURING ALL youth remain safe from violent crime. Online tools and social media are being used for ENGAGING ALL youth in developing their leadership strengths and INVESTING in youth, ages 7-24, as economic beneficiaries. My Brother’s Keeper Community Organizers are inviting youth and caring adults to share a legacy of values as heirs to the historic Free African Society.

Each year, YouthUSA sponsors THE ANNUAL YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS, a capacity building program that qualifies youth ages 7-24 as economic beneficiaries. To win, enterprising youth will present written goals in seven key areas known as “Money-n-the-Bank.” A free downloadable worksheet and on-line application is available at

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, November 15, 2014 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Tindley Temple United Methodist Church
750-762 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146