By Eric Stradford
AMWS, September 27, 2012, Marietta, GA – Life Science Learners at Marietta Middle School caught a glimpse of their own value as economic stimulus. A majority of the students in Justin Waller’s class already know they are winners.
Through a joint effort of the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce and Youth Achievers USA Institute, they learned today of a value-added link between their school studies and their future value in the American workforce. Any one of the winners in today’s classroom can pursue careers in pathology, genetics, or reproductive science. These three paths offer countless career choices in an economy of innovation.
Mr. Waller adds value to a vision of the winners’ future as an “educational ambassador” for Marietta City Schools. As Marietta School System’s Teacher of the Year, he advocates for the school system and its students. Citizens who earn the Teacher of the Year title are “exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled” according to the program website.
The teacher’s individual capacity to learn drew increased interest from school administrators, the Chamber of Commerce, and Youth Achievers USA Institute, a national public charity promoting American youth as future community assets. The teacher inspired students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn, showed respect and admiration of students and colleagues, and added value to the community as well as the school.
Both students and the visiting Teacher of the Day can tell you that Mr. Waller is a gifted scientist. He earned an education degree at Kennesaw State University after realizing he wanted to do more for his community. Among his accomplishments are the construction of an outdoor classroom which includes two greenhouses, a rose garden, benches, two flower boxes, and leading a "Go Green" club that picks up recyclable materials at least twice a week.
Today, seventh graders learned that life science is any science that deals with living organisms, their life processes, and their interrelationships as biology, medicine, or ecology. Basically, they learned about their own body systems by dissecting a frog.
Tomorrow, they must decide on their own path toward economic security. Lessons learned in S.T.E.M. and a community’s commitment to Positive Youth Development will ensure a path paved with opportunity.
Caring adults interested in stimulating the economy though investment on Our Streets, USA can CLICK HERE TO ENGAGE in Learn-2-Earn.
I love the fact that YouthUSA is actively involved in the lives of youth, ages 7-24. Teacher of the Day is just one way that we can give back. A special thank you to Eric for working with the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce and Marietta City Schools to encourage our youth to Learn-2-Earn.